hisakanao - 紅はるか / b
A6 size
92 pages
comes with a random cloths mini bag handmade by Hisakanao
each of them is unique
book designed by AIKO KOIKE (小池 アイ子)
Hisakanao (日坂 奈央) was born in 1995, graduated from Kobe Design University fashion design degree.
As a mania lover of sweet potato, Hisakanao moved to Ibaraki and joined the team Maison Kenpoku (maisonkenpoku.com), helps promoting the northern part of Ibaraki prefecture. Hisakanao also make handicrafts, knitting, clothing and books about the area she lives.
This book 紅はなる collected 55 designs that Hisakanao made in a year with love for dried sweet potatoes!! 紅はなる is the variety that chosen to be this collection's exclusive model.